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Monitoreo Hemodinámico y Perfusión Tisular


Online live classes

Understand the fundamental concepts that regulate the functioning of the circulatory system, the heart, oxygen transport, tissue perfusion, and their determinants in normal physiology and disease. Learn about hemodynamic and perfusion monitoring systems that allow for the interpretation of the adequacy of these processes and determine courses of action.
Taking this course will enable students to understand and practice the use of integrated multimodal hemodynamic and perfusion monitoring to theoretically solve complex clinical situations in critically ill patients.
The course will be based on theoretical classes taught by high-level foreign professors in addition to the local faculty. These classes will be presented via the Zoom webinar platform with the instructor available for questions at the end. The classes will be complemented by roundtable discussions and practical discussion workshops that will help apply the concepts to the sphere of clinical management, which will be transmitted directly via Zoom.

This course is aimed at doctors and healthcare professionals working in Intensive Care Units, such as kinesiologists, nurses, anesthesiologists, emergency physicians, or medical specialties related to the care of critically ill patients or those requiring urgent circulatory resuscitation processes in Chile, Latin America, and the world.

  • Medical doctors: $85.000 (USD 90 reference)
  • Nurses, physiotherapists, and health-related professions: $60.000 (USD 70 reference)
  • Ex former PUC diploma or intensive medicine residency program students: $45.000 (USD 50 reference)

Program Director:

Dr. Glenn Hernández Poblete, MD, PhD
Full Professor Department of Intensive Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile


Dr. Eduardo Kattan Tala, MD, MMEd, PhD 
Profesor Asistente Departamento de Medicina Intensiva, Facultad de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Dr. Eduardo Chinchón, MD 
Jefe Técnico Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Adulto, Medicina Interna - Medicina Intensiva, Hospital Eloísa Díaz de La Florida

Teaching team:

Dr. Ricardo Castro López, MD, MPH 
Profesor Asociado Departamento de Medicina Intensiva, Facultad de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Jan Bakker, MD, PhD, FCCP
Profesor Visitante, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Professor, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands; NYU, New York, USA;Columbia University, New York, USA.

Maurizio Cecconi, MD (Res)
Professor, Head of the Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Department at Humanitas Research Hospital, Milano, Italy President European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.

Michael Pinsky, MD
Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Bioengineering, Anesthesiology, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Clinical & Translational Science, Vice Chair EmeritusUniversity of Pittsburgh, USA.

Dr. Antoine Vieillard-Baron. MD, FCCP
Professor, Head of the ICU in University Hospital Ambroise Paré, Boulogne-Billancourt, France.

Dr. Jean-Louis Teboul, MD, PhD
Professor, Medical ICU, Bicêtre Hospital, Paris-South University, Paris, France.

Dr. Daniel de Backer, MD, PhD
Professor, Head of the Intensive Care department of the CHIREC Hospitals and Professor of Intensive Care at the Université Libre deBruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.

Gustavo Ospina-Tascón, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Fundación Valle del Lili, Universidad ICESI, Cali. Colombia.

Paula Carmona, MD 
Hospital La FeValencia, España.

Filippo Sanfilippo, MD, PhD
Policlinico - Vittorio Emanuele Catania, Italia.

Philippe Rola, MD
Santa Cabrini Hospital Montreal, Canada.

Marlies Ostermann, MD, PhD
Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Hospital,London, UK.

Fernando Ramasco, MD, PhD
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa Madrid, España.

Antonio Messina, MD PhD
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Humanitas Research Hospital, Assistant Professor, Humanitas University, Italy.

Michelle S Chew 
Professor, Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Acute Medicine Deputy Editor-in-Chief, European Journal of Anaesthesiology Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Linköping University Hospital, Sweden.

Xavier Monnet
Professor, Medical Intensive Care Unit Paris-Saclay University Hospitals, Bicêtre HospitalParis, France.

Armand Mekontso Dessap
Professor, PU-PHChef du Service de Médecine Intensive Réanimation GHU AP-HP. Hôpitaux Universitaires Henri-Mondor Paris, France.

Jordi Mercadal
Médico Adjunto, Departamento de Anestesiología y Reanimación, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, España.

Adrian Wong
Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia, King's College Hospital, London, UK.

Djillali Annane, MD,PhD
Professor in medicine at University Paris Saclay-UVSQ, Director of General ICU at Raymond Poincaré Hospital Paris, France.

César Aldecoa
Jefe de Servicio de Anestesiología y Reanimación, Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega, Valladolid, España.

Alexandre Biasi Cavalcanti MD, MsC, PhD
Hospital do Coração, São Paulo, Brazil.

Hafid Ait Oufella
Department of Critical Care, AP-HP, Saint Antoine Hospital, Paris, France.

Francisco Miralles
Medicina Crítica y Terapia intensiva. Hospital Puerta del Mar, Cádiz, España.

Philippe Rola
ICU Chief of Service, Santa Cabrini HospitalMontreal, Canada.

Eduardo Argaiz MD, PhD
Department of Nephrology and Mineral Metabolism, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, Mexico City, Mexico. 

Korbin Haycock
Department of Emergency Medicine, Riverside University Health Systems Medical Center, Moreno Valley, CA, USA.

Miguel Ibarra
Unidad de Terapia Intensiva, Hospital Civil Fray Antonio Alcalde, Universidad de Guadalajara, México.

Pedro Wendel-Garcia
Institute of Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 

Sascha David
Institute of Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 

Silvia Ramos
Department of Anesthesiology, Gregorio Marañón University General Hospital, Madrid, Spain. 

Marc Leone
Service of Anesthesia and Resuscitation, Hôpital Nord, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Marseille, University of Aix Marseille, Marseille, France.

Recorded classes will be available for 06 months for those registered

A digital attendance certificate will be provided to students who participate in at least 70% of the sessions.
